Check-in time 3:00 PM and Check-out is at 11:00 AM
Is there parking available?
Yes, we do have complimentary parking available for our guests.
Do we need ID at the check-in?
Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card proof upon check-in.
Are the rooms non-smoking?
All our rooms are non-smoking. Smoking is allowed in our courtyard parking lot.
Can you arrange a shuttle to the airport?
Unfortunately, we do not provide shuttle service. However, we are more than happy to arrange a taxi for you!
Is there an option to check-in early?
Early check-in is based on availability, however, please do let us know that you are arriving early, and we will try our best to accommodate you.
Is there an option for late check-out?
Late check-out is based on availability. Please check with our Front Desk for late check-out availability when you arrive at the hotel.
Located in San Francisco, La Casa Inn is in the city center. Lombard Street and Palace of Fine Arts are notable landmarks, and the area’s natural beauty can be seen at Alcatraz Island and San Francisco Bay.
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